8 Shenton Way Archives - Mingtiandi https://www.mingtiandi.com/tag/8-shenton-way/ Asia real estate and outbound investment news Sun, 04 Dec 2022 12:48:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.4.1 https://www.mingtiandi.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/04/logo-only-big-90x90.png 8 Shenton Way Archives - Mingtiandi https://www.mingtiandi.com/tag/8-shenton-way/ 32 32 Perennial Gets $2.2B in Green Loans for SG Tower and More Asia Real Estate Headlines https://www.mingtiandi.com/real-estate/crelist/perennial-lines-up-2-2b-in-green-loans-for-sg-tower-and-more-asia-real-estate-headlines/ https://www.mingtiandi.com/real-estate/crelist/perennial-lines-up-2-2b-in-green-loans-for-sg-tower-and-more-asia-real-estate-headlines/#respond Thu, 17 Nov 2022 13:39:42 +0000 https://www.mingtiandi.com/?p=337918 In today’s roundup of regional news headlines, a Singapore redevelopment project wins a record-setting green loan, Temasek Holdings admits to a $275 million hole in its portfolio after investing in troubled crypto exchange FTX, and mainland developer China Evergrande touts... Read More>>

The post Perennial Gets $2.2B in Green Loans for SG Tower and More Asia Real Estate Headlines appeared first on Mingtiandi.

https://www.mingtiandi.com/real-estate/crelist/perennial-lines-up-2-2b-in-green-loans-for-sg-tower-and-more-asia-real-estate-headlines/feed/ 0 Mingtiandi Chip Eng Seng, Perennial and Alibaba are among a group redeveloping 8 Shenton Way
SOM Unveils Design for Alibaba-Backed Tower Set to Be Singapore’s Tallest Building https://www.mingtiandi.com/real-estate/design-and-construction/som-unveils-design-for-singapores-8-shenton-way/ https://www.mingtiandi.com/real-estate/design-and-construction/som-unveils-design-for-singapores-8-shenton-way/#respond Thu, 27 Oct 2022 13:58:47 +0000 https://www.mingtiandi.com/?p=334722 American architecture giant Skidmore, Owings & Merrill has revealed its design for an Alibaba-backed tower soaring 350 metres (1,148 feet) in height to become Singapore’s tallest skyscraper upon completion.

The 63-storey mixed-use development at 8 Shenton Way in the Tanjong... Read More>>

The post SOM Unveils Design for Alibaba-Backed Tower Set to Be Singapore’s Tallest Building appeared first on Mingtiandi.

https://www.mingtiandi.com/real-estate/design-and-construction/som-unveils-design-for-singapores-8-shenton-way/feed/ 0 Mingtiandi Alibaba is backing the development of Singapore's tallest tower at 8 Shenton Way (SOM)